Jul 11, 2013

How to download movie in ustream.tv?

For this tutorial, I will going use FHM 2013 stream.
FHM Stream or FHM Stream on ustream.tv

* You must have account to ustream.tv and must login.(I not sure if make with login coz I was login on the time I made this)


1. Visit FHM Stream on ustream.tv and check the html source code(Please use Inspect Element tool of you chrome browser). Point your mouse pointer on the nearest part of the Flash Stream for you to easy to find the code and Right Click your mouse then select Inspect Element(if you cant see option point in other place, maybe you are pointing to none html element, maybe image/Flash)

You must see this code this view, and you need to concatenate the value of data attribute in object element and value of params element with name flashvars

Base on the given information.
Object element of data attribute value
The value of params with the name of flashvars is

To concatenate you must put ampersand(&) in between the given data.

2. Visit the URL and copy the Status URL, see screen shot below

From the highlighhted data on the image, this is the URL which is what we need to download the content. Download FHM 100 Sexiest Woman 2013

Maybe the URL given is not working since I login by my account. So better check the by ur self.

UPDATE: The Exact url can be extract as.
Sample: http://upmv09.gblx.upmv.ustream.tv/0/1/35/35954/35954563/1_15153845_35954563.flv
Extract: http://upmv09.gblx.upmv.ustream.tv/0/1/35/{1ST_FIVE_DIG_OF_VID_ID}/{VIDEOID}/1_{CHANNEL_ID}_{VIDEOID}.flv

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