Sep 27, 2012

Magento - How to create multiple fields to sort?

Find the class and made modification on the class.

Find the getAvailableOrders() and made some modification.
     public function getAvailableOrders()
        $orders = array(
            'news_from_date,entity_id'         => 'Newest',
            'name,brand'              => 'Brand Name',
            'rating'        => 'Top Rated',

        $this->_availableOrder = $orders;
        return $orders;

Also try to look setCollection($collection)
    public function setCollection($collection)
        $this->_collection = $collection;


        // we need to set pagination only if passed value integer and more that 0
        $limit = (int)$this->getLimit();
        if ($limit) {
        if ($this->getCurrentOrder()) {
            // parse the attribute
            $orders = explode(',', $this->getCurrentOrder());
            foreach($orders as $order){
                // Add the other statement for to sort
                $this->_collection->setOrder($order, $this->getCurrentDirection());
        return $this;

Thanks just simple code to made multiple sorting. But i not suggest you to modify the magento core as is. if you can able to override class it better.

class Globe_Catalog_Block_Product_List_Toolbar 
  extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_List_Toolbar{

 // Your method you want here and method you want to override, some example.

    public function setCollection($collection)
        $this->_collection = $collection;


        // we need to set pagination only if passed value integer and more that 0
        $limit = (int)$this->getLimit();
        if ($limit) {
        if ($this->getCurrentOrder()) {
            // parse the attribute
            $orders = explode(',', $this->getCurrentOrder());
            foreach($orders as $order){
                // Add the other statement for to sort
                $this->_collection->setOrder($order, $this->getCurrentDirection());
        return $this;

   // ... You other method.

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