filename:(jpg OR jpeg OR png)
Aug 30, 2012
Google mail(gmail) search tips.
Looking for an email from user with image(s) attach.
Linux - Solution for Numpad not working.
One morning I got crazy on my numpad coz its not working, even do it was ON. I dont even know what is the combination of keys I press. But when I googled it I found that more user encounter too.
In that solution I found the supposed to press Ctrl+Shift+Numlock to copy text was press Ctrl+Shift+Numlock :(Ctrl+Shift+Numlock
Aug 28, 2012
Tomcat: Change timezone setting.
As default tomcat use GMT timezone. To set this one, modify your or a the location before the execution of the tomcat boostrap and add data below.
Please find the timezone By Continent or in Asia$JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Duser.timezone=Asia/Manila"
Aug 24, 2012
Credit Card testing
Testing Card
I list this one server to as testing or simulate for error payment. I some place our payment gateway give as testing credit card which all is valid. To simulate payment error, Try to use above.VISA, 4716081467305766, 03/15 Diners Club, 38520000023237, 11/14 Discover, 6011000990139424, 02/14 MasterCard, 5135299256640694, 06/14 enRoute, 214999060738825, 03/13 VISA, 4111111111111111, 03/15 American Express, 347836551942260, 07/14 Diners Club, 30569309025904, 02/13 VISA, 4024007135532710, 05/14 Diners Club, 38767186195160, 12/12 Discover, 6011963280099774, 10/12 VISA, 4111111111111111, 03/15 Master Card (16 Digits) 5105105105105100 Master Card (16 Digits) 5555555555554444 Visa (13 Digits) 4222222222222 Visa (16 Digits) 4111111111111111 Visa (16 Digits) 4012888888881881 American Express (15 Digits) 378282246310005 American Express (15 Digits) 371449635398431 Amex Corporate (15 Digits) 378734493671000 Dinners Club (14 Digits) 38520000023237 Dinners Club (14 Digits) 30569309025904 Discover (16 Digits) 6011111111111117 Discover (16 Digits) 6011000990139424 JCB (16 Digits) 3530111333300000 JCB (16 Digits) 3566002020360505 MasterCard:5431111111111111 Amex:341111111111111 Discover:6011601160116611 American Express (15 digits):378282246310005 American Express (15 digits):371449635398431 American Express Corporate (15 digits):378734493671000 Diners Club (14 digits):30569309025904 Diners Club (14 digits):38520000023237 Discover (16 digits):6011111111111117 Discover (16 digits):6011000990139424 JCB (16 digits):3530111333300000 JCB (16 digits):3566002020360505 Mastercard (16 digits):5555555555554444 Mastercard (16 digits):5105105105105100 Visa (16 digits):4111111111111111 Visa (16 digits):4012888888881881 Visa (13 digits):4222222222222
Aug 17, 2012
Java - Iterating Java HashMap Oject
Let create the Object.
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
If you only need the values, use values():for (String key : map.keySet()) { System.our.println("My HashMap Key"+key); }
Finally, if you want both the key and value, use entrySet():for (Object value : map.values()) { System.our.println("My HashMap Vaslue"+value.toString()); // I issue toString to convert the object into String value }
for (HashMap.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); // ... Print here if you want or do something }
Aug 14, 2012
Aug 12, 2012
Blogspot - List of Keywords
* data:blog.pageType
* data:blog.urlType of the page, pasible value are. [index, item] Some Usage like creating condition: <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
* data:blog.pageNameThe URL con the current pages
* data:blog.titlePage name or the post name <meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' property='og:site_name'/>
Page Title Usage: <meta expr:content='data:blog.title' property='og:title'/> OR <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>
Blogspot - Setting dynamic meta tags.
Atfer a few day looking for the solution of this. Finally I already find it.
1. Log in to your Blogger Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML and find the tags section below.
2. Finally, replace the data in upper section with the code below.<title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'> <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> <meta content='Winzter Blog - This page contain more on the solution of our problem encounter in development time.' name='description'/> <meta content='Web Development, PHP, Java, Magento, Airg, Syntax3rror, Linux Command, Zend, Symfony, Google Appengine, Google Web Toolkit' name='keywords'/> <b:else/> <title><data:blog.pageName/> - <data:blog.title/></title> <meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + " by " + data:blog.title' name='Description'/> <meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + ", " + data:blog.title' name='Keywords'/> </b:if>
Happy reading
Aug 11, 2012
GAE - Querying on the Datastore Entity with limit
Just share this simple statement in querying the Entity With limit. Assume the we want only specific number of report to be retrieve from our entity.
Query query = new Query(dataStoreKind); PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(query); Iterable<Entity> users = pq.asIterable(FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(30)); for (Entity user : users) { // Scroll the data // user.getKey().getName(); // this how to get the Entity key // (Long)user.getProperty("EntityName"); // Get Entity value }
Aug 9, 2012
GAE - How to filter on Datastore viewer using the Entity key or Primary
Search in you kind base record key
Search on a kind base on the Parent key
Search all Entity base on Parent key what ever the Kind(See From Kind not exist)
More info hereGQL Syntax
SELECT * FROM Kind WHERE __key__ = KEY('Kind', 'TheKeyValue')
Search on a kind base on the Parent key
SELECT * FROM Kind WHERE ANCESTOR IS KEY('ParentKind', 'ParentKeyWord')
Search all Entity base on Parent key what ever the Kind(See From Kind not exist)
SELECT * WHERE ANCESTOR IS KEY('ParentKind', 'ParentKeyWord')
More info hereGQL Syntax
Aug 3, 2012
Aug 2, 2012
Java - Parameter Passing By-Value and By-Reference
This post will explain on how to manipulate Java pass-by-reference and java pass by value.
package com.fluxion.mrcos.test; public class ByReference { private int x=100; public void setX(int pX){ this.x=pX; } public int getX(){ return this.x; } }
package com.fluxion.mrcos.test; public class ByValue { public static void main(String[] args){ int a=2,b=7; ByValue bValue = new ByValue(); ByReference bRef = new ByReference(); System.out.println("a="+a+"; b="+b); bValue.swapMe(a, b); System.out.println("a="+a+"; b="+b); System.out.println("================================"); bRef.setX(500); System.out.println("By Reference X:"+bRef.getX()); bValue.chanceObject(bRef); System.out.println("By Reference X:"+bRef.getX()); } private void chanceObject(ByReference pByRef) { pByRef.setX(300); // change the value } private void swapMe(int x, int y){ int temp = x; y=x; x=temp; } }
Output When Running
a=2; b=7
a=2; b=7
By Reference X:500
By Reference X:300
Java is works on both By-Value and By-Reference however this will defends on the use. Is you pass a data, Java will tricks the paramater as Pass By-Value(See swapMe function), however if you pass a Object, it will treat the parameter as pass By-Reference(See chanceObject function)
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